International Bestseller


تم التحقق من إصدار 15 سطر

المدينة المنورة

جمالية الكبة الذهبية

مقدمة بشكل جميل

مصممة باستخدام أقساط (كاباه) ملهمة ذهبية مصدرها إسطنبول بإسترعاء انتباهك، هذا القرآن سيكون دائماً بمثابة تذكير لك لاستخدامه.

إقرأْ، ولوردكَ هو الأكثر كريماً، الذي يَنْقلُ المعرفةَ عن طريق القلمِ. لقد علم الرجل ما لا يعرفه.


In Arabic, ‘Rawdah’ signifies a garden or meadow, echoing the tranquility and spiritual rejuvenation one finds in connection with the divine. Named after the lush greenery of the Rawdah within the Prophet’s Mosque and the paradisiacal gardens of Jannah, is a tribute to the serene and spiritually nourishing ambiance of these sacred spaces.

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فيديو الخلفية

“Writing by hand has many cognitive benefits and reinforces our reading and language processing skills. Not to mention the fact that this resource can truly help you memorise the Quran. Wholeheartedly recommend this incredible product!”
“The preservation of the Quran is a miracle in itself; every single letter, vowel and symbol has been passed down, written and recited as it was 1400+ years ago. What a perfect way to appreciate this - by tracing every little marking of our blessed book.”
“The quality, the information, the credentials, the aesthetics. I absolutely love this piece of work.”
This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might deeply reflect (do tadabbur) upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.